Product advice
Do you have any questions about products or delivery times, or would you simply like detailed advice? We will gladly assist you in finding the ideal film.

Deutschlandfahne mopack GmbH
Vogelsangstraße 26
72581 Dettingen an der Erms
+49 (0)7123 9746-0

Review Dach+Holz 2020

We thank the numerous of the Dach+Holz visitors for the great interest and the lively discussions.

The first participation at Dach+Holz in Stuttgart was a complete success. During the 28th to 31st of January we were able to present our joinery and covering films to the specialist audience. The overwhelming interest has far exceeded our wildest expectations. In the meantime, we are working intensively on the post-processing of the exhibition contacts and look forward to the develope joint projects. Below are a few impressions from our booth.